Bible Camp
Registration is now closed!
We can't wait to have you with us!
You are about to partake in an incredible experience. We look forward to hosting you this summer. We highly recommend that you join us in person for a memorable time in a suitable setting with other youth your age.

About us
We strive to lead each youth to know a personal and spiritual revival that will help them to enter their calling and fulfil their destiny.
Each year, young people from across Canada and around the world gather for a fun, enriching and faith-strengthening experience.

What we do
During each edition, we urge our campers to take part in spiritual teachings, praise and exhortation sessions, outdoor activities, campfires and more! Your presence can only make this adventure more exciting.
The fruits of the camps.
Our Impact
A body of young leaders is emerging in the work in Canada. Several young people are more involved, committed and willing to serve the Lord in some localities across Canada.
House Assembly leaders are trained and active in their localities.
Since 2021, dozens of young people have been attending a development camp at CMFI HQ every year.
Over the years more young people are committing to becoming missionaries and a handful are already deployed on the mission field in Canada and South America.
Youth ministries are evolving in Canada and are beginning to have a real impact in communities across the country (activities, retreats, charities, praise festivals).
Young people join the steering committees of various events (spiritual retreats, conventions, youth camps) and volunteer at the ZTF Bible Centre Canada.