About Us
Who we are
We are a spiritual nurturing program organized by the Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) encouraging young people to walk with the Lord and serve Him as labourers.
We help young people find their bearings in their walk with God, leading them to an authentic conversion or complete restoration for the backsliders.
We guide young people into God’s service. We prepare workers to actively labour in the Lord’s vineyard. We raise workers for the Lord’s work, whether in CMFI or in any other ministry called to contribute to the advancement of God’s purposes on earth.
Our approach
Our Mission
Our mission is to make disciples and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ who will be the spiritual beacons of the nations.
We provide young people with everything they need and challenging them to a total commitment to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. We build leaders committed to excellence in all areas of their lives.
Our Vision
We want to build and establish a dynamic and zealous youth in our local churches as soon as possible.
We want to build committed young people who will invest their all in the service of the Lord. We want a rapid development of youth-friendly ministries in all communities. We want young people to overcome the challenges and uncertainties they face in order to carry the Lord’s work to the national and global level in the long run.

Our story
Two burdens gave birth to this initiative:-
Past – A generation of young people in our ministry has been lost. Present – Youths are growing up but are without guidance in their walk with God.
Past – A generation of young people in our ministry has been lost. Present – Youths are growing up but are without guidance in their walk with God.
With these burdens on his heart, Pastor Alexandre S., after 28 years of service to the Lord at CMFI, travelled to Belgium, attended a youth Bible camp, and quickly realised the benefits of such ministries rendered to young people. Witnessing dynamic, loving and serving young people filled him with joy and hope.
Upon his return to Canada, his country of residence, in the fall of 2017, there, was something he did not want to let go of. He knows he has been mandated to do something for the youth in Ottawa (where he serves as a pastor) and in Canada.
The idea – organise youth camps – was presented to Calvin W. (Senior Pastor and Leader of the CMFI in Canada) who embraced it. What followed was the beginning of an incredible story.
Upon his return to Canada, his country of residence, in the fall of 2017, there, was something he did not want to let go of. He knows he has been mandated to do something for the youth in Ottawa (where he serves as a pastor) and in Canada.
The idea – organise youth camps – was presented to Calvin W. (Senior Pastor and Leader of the CMFI in Canada) who embraced it. What followed was the beginning of an incredible story.
Summer 2018 : The 1st edition of the Youth Bible Camp in Canada is held in Capernwray.
Summer 2019 : The 2nd edition of the Youth Bible Camp in Canada is also held in Capernwray.
Summer 2020 – The Year of the Pandemic : The 3rd edition of the Youth Bible Camp in Canada is held online.
Summer 2021 : The 4th edition of the Youth Bible Camp in Canada is also held at the former Capernwray, now the ZTF Bible Centre Canada.
The Capernwray Bible School was acquired by CMFI Canada and renamed the ZTF Bible Centre Canada.
The Capernwray Bible School was acquired by CMFI Canada and renamed the ZTF Bible Centre Canada.
Summer 2022 : The 5th edition of the Youth Bible Camp in Canada is held at the ZTF Bible Centre Canada.
Summer 2023 and all the upcoming summers are full of wonderful Bible Camps.
Summer 2023 and all the upcoming summers are full of wonderful Bible Camps.